

I just returned from an intensive short time run and I am at the end of my rope. I am longing for a cold shower, but before I will refresh myself, I want to share an easy recipe for an after-work-out-snack. I call this super tasty snack

Runner's Rocket fuel

All you need is:

1 Banana
250 gr yogurt
1 Teaspoon of Honey
Dark chocolate

1 First of all, cut the banana into slices. Do the same with the chocolate.

2 For the next step, fill the yogurt in a bowl...

... add the banana slices ...

               ... add chocolate chips ...

... and finally put some honey over the banana-chocolate-yogurt. 


This is my recipe for the Runner's Rocket fuel snack. It's full of energy and a great after-workout-snack. Hope you like it, try it out! 

See you tonight,

xoxo, wanderlust

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